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Sunday, September 24, 2017

A weekend of mindlessness

There's so much to like and admire about Kilcullen, its people, and its community minded organisations, writes Brian Byrne. And then there are the few with tiny minds who don't care about any of that.

This is just to tot up what a short walk this morning adds to the criminal destruction perpetrated on CPC, reported here yesterday morning.

The same night or early morning, a number of the flower boxes placed on the Convent wall by Kilcullen Community Action on behalf of the town and its residents were torn from their spaces and thrown on the road (top and below).

Then there's the cans thrown under the bridge, in what seems to be another popular spot for drinking off the grid.

And finally, this mess at St Brigid's Well in The Valley, where there was an off the grid party around a fire. The sculpture at the well by the late Fr Henry Flanagan is of St Brigid feeding the Poor. The plaque on the wall reminds that the Valley and its stonework was put in place by the former Kilcullen Community Council, all of that stonework done by the late Paddy Brangan.

There's neither poor nor community in this kind of activity.

UPDATE: Just an hour after posting this, here's what people are saying.

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