Sunday, August 13, 2017

Mac & Norman's biggest convoy

With 77 trucks on the road today, last year's record of 65 was easily surpassed in the Mac & Norman Vintage Rally 2017, writes Brian Byrne.

There was arguably never a convoy seen like it in the town, as the trucks finished the event through Kilcullen on their way to the finish at Walls Priory in Kilgowan.

Mac Sully and friends had appealed for this 15th such event in aid of the Irish Cancer Society be a best ever, and when Anne and the rest of the organising committee get all their sums done, we have no doubt that it will have turned out that way.

Motorbikes of all vintages, old cars across generations, and the always main item, tractors, rumbled, grumbled, spluttered and sometimes smoked their way through. Music and general merriment carried on at Walls, along with the charity auction that adds the cream to the collection, which up to this year has totalled over €410,000 for the ICS.

We’ll bring you the latest update whenever it happens, and there's a good selection of pictures below to give you a sense of the day. And you can see all the Diary’s pictures here.