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Friday, March 10, 2017

Scoil Bhride pupils plant trees

A group of pupils representing various classes in Scoil Bhride today planted a variety of trees in the Valley Park, writes Brian Byrne.

In addition to marking National Tree Week, the event was also part of the school's work towards its fifth Green Flag, for Biodiversity.

They were accompanied by teachers Deirdre Hoctor, Diarmuid O'Connor and Siobhan Murphy. "We're in the first year of a two-year programme towards our next flag," Deirdre, in charge of the project, told the Diary.

The trees were provided by Kildare County Council and include oak, alder, beech and holly. They were handed out by Noel Clare of Kilcullen Tidy Towns, who provided background information on the trees themselves, as well as the soils in which they were being planted. He also showed them St Brigid's Well and outlined the story behind it.

All the pictures from today's planting can be found here.

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