Poker Classic for school laptops
A Poker Classic in aid of Halverstown NS funds will be held in Markeys The Mill, Milemill, on Friday 10 March.
The funds raised will go towards the purchase of laptops for use by the pupils of the school.
The event begins at 8.30pm, and entry tickets are €20.
There will also be a raffle and refreshments served on the night. Further information from Nick Egan 086 2498573 or Jacinta Sully 087 6689028.
The funds raised will go towards the purchase of laptops for use by the pupils of the school.
The event begins at 8.30pm, and entry tickets are €20.
There will also be a raffle and refreshments served on the night. Further information from Nick Egan 086 2498573 or Jacinta Sully 087 6689028.