Saturday, November 26, 2016

Gail's new website is live

Many of you will have read the recent Diary story on Gail Murphy's latest initiative in her journey through fashion, Gail's Rails, writes Brian Byrne. Well, the new website and blog that she has promised related to this has gone live.

The website, which complements her very popular Facebook page includes information about Gail's fashion philosophy, some really useful and inexpensive fashion tips (such as 'Mind the Gap'), and lots of pictures of Gail's own favourite outfits, with discussions on how they might suit her wide range of readers.

There are also details of the services she offers, including personal shopper information, wardrobe assessment, and colour and body shape analysis.

It's early days, but already we reckon this is going to be a must-visit for the ladies not just in Kilcullen, but far outside. Like the best websites of its kind, it's going to have a lot of regular updates, so it should be bookmarked under regularly visited spots.

Like the Diary ...