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Monday, September 12, 2016

'Twas the night before Culture Night ...

There are so many cultural events taking place in County Kildare that the concept of ‘Culture Night’ has been extended to become ‘Culture Weekend’, writes Mary Orford. In Kilcullen Community Library there will be a pre-Culture Night event stretching the ‘weekend’ even further.

The Mayor of Kildare, Councillor Ivan Keatley, invites you to come along to Kilcullen Community Library on Thursday 15 September at 7.30pm for the launch of Portrait of Memories: Kilcullen 1916-2016.

The collection of interviews commemorates those with links to the Easter Rising 1916 and First World War. It also records memories of those who have been involved in community initiatives and who have come to live in our town and made Kilcullen the vibrant community it is today

Special guest on the night will be Naas-based and proud Limerick woman, writer Mae Leonard.

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