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Thursday, September 01, 2016

'Tales of the Unexpected' this weekend

A reminder that a magical evening of storytelling is promised in the Bridge Camphill hall on this Saturday 3 September, featuring internationally renowned storyteller Sue Hollingsworth.

Tales of the Unexpected, which is suitable for adults of all ages and children above the age of 12, will start at 7.30pm, and will also feature contributions from the Bridge Community's own Tim Ditchburn.

A storyteller since 1995, Sue Hollingsworth is a founder of the International School of Storytelling, the longest established centre of its kind in the UK.

Sue runs workshops and performs all over the world with a particularly strong interest in working in Africa, and she specialises in telling, and teaching the telling of, true life or biographical stories, although she is just at home telling traditional myths and folk tales. Sue also runs story retreats for women and men on relationship and wholeness.

The School of Storytelling brings together storytellers from all over the world and focuses on different branches of the art, such as performing, telling to children, storytelling in nature, healing and business. The School also provides specialist storytelling courses ranging from weekends to a three-month training for professionals.

Sue tells stories at festivals and in village halls, on windswept hillsides and beautiful beaches, in churches and castles, townships and boardrooms. Her repertoire includes: Along the Way: Stories from the Camino, Out of Eden: an Ecological Adventure, The Year of the Snake, Conducting the Storm, Thicker than Water and When the Full Moon Rises.

Tickets for Tales of the Unexpected where things are not always what they might appear to be, will be €10 on the door. The organisers express their appreciation to Kildare County Council for its support for the event.

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