Saturday, January 16, 2016

Country Music Sundays return ... and Shirley Valentine back on the boards

Just a reminder that the Country Music Sundays organised by Jimmy Aspell and friends in the Spout will resume tomorrow, 17 January, writes Brian Byrne.

The usual performers, including Bernie Heaney, Mick Dunne, CC Cooper and Jimmy himself, will this time be joined by Mike Bartlett.

Again, along with the music and the general craic, there will be a hamper and other goodies to raffle.

As usual, things tune up at 6pm and it's music all the way till 10.

Meanwhile, Evelyn O'Sullivan's performance of 'Shirley Valentine' will be in the Moat Theatre for one night only, of Thursday 21 January. Tickets can be booked at 045 883030. A brilliant performance which sold out when it was in Kilcullen before Christmas.