Credit Unions top customer service poll
This week, the first ever survey of Irish brands based on the experience of customers, shows that Credit Unions top the poll, writes Ruth Scully.
According to the Customer Experience Ireland Survey 2015 (CEXI), Ireland’s Credit Unions including Kilcullen are one of the Customer Experience Champions, coming 1st in their ranking. This is extremely good news for credit unions at a time when demand for services is at all all-time high.
At the height of the economic crisis, credit unions were the only financial services provider to significantly grow their membership — a trend that continues to this day. Currently Kilcullen Credit Union has 3,382 members, a growth of 12% in the past year alone. To this membership, Kilcullen Credit Union has provided €1,378,557 in small loans for every day things. Kilcullen Credit Union also supports Kilcullen Senior Citizens.
The local, face to face service that continues to be provided by Kilcullen Credit Union and indeed all credit unions all over the country is obviously still valued by the Irish population. Customer service is extremely important for Kilcullen Credit Union and something that should not be taken for granted now or into the future and credit unions should take the time to invest in this regard.
Speaking about CEXI Report Pat Stafford from Kilcullen Credit Union said Kilcullen Credit Union has been working hard in this community for over 44 years, serving members by providing accessible savings and loan products. "This recognition is a testament to the hard work of the staff and volunteers who have continued to serve members through even the most difficult social and financial periods of change in this country," he says. "We are looking forward to developing and enhancing our range of services to our valued members in the coming years. Our ethos will never change and our members will remain central to all of the decision we make, now and into the future”
The survey was carried out by Amarách Consulting based on a template provided by KPMG Nunwood.