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Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Bunting up, Festival getting close

As we have turned into August, the preparations for the Kilcullen River Festival have cranked up a gear, writes Brian Byrne.

Ronan Murphy's pic from last evening shows the bunting being put in place by some of the usual suspects prepared to get up on ladders.

The sponsors launch evening will be in Fallons on 14 August, when the Festival Queen will be picked. There's still time for businesses and local organisations to put forward their candidate for this very pleasant duty — contact Mary at Fallons, or any member of the Festival Committee.

The Triathlon being held on the Saturday evening of 22 August has already attracted a lot of interest, according to organiser Steve Kinneavy. Last year's inaugural event proved a great success, and many more participants are expected this year.

Several extra attractions aimed at families will be featured on the Sunday, while the regular food and trade stalls will cater for all tastes and needs.

More details soon. In the meantime, anyone who would like to volunteer to do some rostered stewarding work for either the Triathlon or the Festival day itself should contact a Committee member or email

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