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Friday, April 24, 2015

Estates got more money than we thought

The grants to local residents associations from Kildare County Council as recently reported weren't all the good news, writes Brian Byrne.

In fact, we understated the figures because all we had were the Council's own disbursements. They were subsequently topped up by the Naas MD councillors from their discretionary funds of €50,000.

So the totals actually came to €435 for Cnoc na Greine Woods, Esker Lea €512, Moanbane Park €830, Hillcrest €939, Bishop Rogan Park €1,048, and Cnoc na Greine €2,898.

During the meeting Cllr Fintan Brett questioned the variance in the Council's allocations and especially that Naas estates were getting substantially more than estates in Kilcullen, Kill or Sallins.

The reasons given were not acceptable to the councillor, who says will take the issue up with the Environment Department in KCC. "Naas Town Council is now abolished and the two-tier funding of residents associations is gone with it," he said.

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