Monday, February 16, 2015

Toys, Technology & Training talks in libraries

A series of talks and workshops organised by the Kildare Library Service will concentrate on training carers of children and adults with learning difficulties in the use of toys and technology to support their needs, writes Brian Byrne.

The Toys, Technology and Training Project 2015 is funded by Kildare County Council, and from a Kilcullen perspective will take place in Newbridge, Kildare, Naas and Athy libraries.

Attendance is free, and information on times and booking can be had by calling the individual libraries. Athy Library: Tel 059 8631144 Email; Kildare Town Library: Tel 045 530626 Email:; Naas Library: Tel 045 879111 Email:; Newbridge Library: Tel 045 448353 Email:

A specialised collection of toys, software and assistive technology can be accessed free of charge in branches throughout the county and can be borrowed or utilised by joining up at any Kildare library. Items in the catalogue can be requested or renewed online and collected by the borrower at their nearest branch library.

This Toy and Technology collection have been chosen by the staff of Kildare Library Service in partnership with therapists working in the community.

The Project's series of free lectures and workshops offer further guidance, support and networking opportunities for parents, teachers and healthcare professionals.

The talks include Helping Children with Special Needs(eg Down Syndrome, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disability) Prepare to Transition to a Main Stream Primary School, which will be held in Athy Library: Tuesday 10th March 7pm; Naas Library: Thursday 26th March 7pm.

Can’t write, Won’t write! What can a parent do to help a child who struggles with handwriting, will be held in Kildare Town Library: Thursday 16th April 7pm; Naas Library Thursday 24th September 7pm

Anger Management and Strategies for Managing and Preventing Aggressive Behaviour, will be held in Athy Library: Tuesday 6th October 7pm

My child has just received a diagnosis – what now? will be held in Kildare Town Library: Thursday 5th March 7pm.

Stress Management for Older Children and Teenagers, will be held in Naas Library: Thursday 23rd April 7pm.

Babies and Toddlers, First Aid for Parents, will be held in Naas Library: Thursday 7th May 11.30am; Newbridge Library: Tuesday 26th May 7pm; Athy Library: Tuesday 9th June 7pm; Kildare Town Library: Thursday 24th September 11.30am.

How to Help Babies and Toddlers Build a Sense of Security, will be held in Newbridge Library: Friday 1st May 10.30am.

Supporting Parents to Help Their Children to Behave Well, will be held in Kildare Town Library: Thursday 12th February 7pm; Naas Library: Tuesday 24th February 7pm; Athy Library: Tuesday 21st April 7pm.

Happy Parents/Happy Child, will be held in Athy Library: Tuesday 24th March 7pm.

Positive Discipline & Managing Challenging Behaviour, will be held in Kildare Town Library: Thursday 26th March 7pm

Helping Children to be Resilient and Develop Skills to Cope with the Challenges of Life, will be held in Kildare Town Library: Thursday 30th April 11.30am.

Games & Technology to Enhance Learning, will be held in Naas Library: Tuesday 28th April 7pm.

Older Children & Teens, will be held in Athy Library: Tuesday 10th February 7 pm; Naas Library: Monday 23rd March 11am.

Parenting Alone, will be held in Newbridge Library: Tuesday 14th April 7pm.