CPC garden development under way
The mid-term break is being taken advantage of to get the rough work done on new gardens in the grounds of CPC, writes Brian Byrne.
The work is being carried out by local contractor Michael Murphy, and contributions to the cost have been made by a Kildare County Council grant and Kilcullen Development Association.
The plan includes the provision of new paths across re-landscaped parkland to a central hard-top area with seats. A planting schedule will be devised in the coming week or so.
Four trees had to be taken down unexpectedly prior to the landscaping work, when they were found to be badly rotted and dangerous. They included a beech tree that might have been up to a hundred years old.
"They found that one of them had apparently been struck by lightning," says Noel Clare of KCA/Kilcullen Tidy Towns, which is monitoring the work. "A large bough at the top was all blackened and ready to fall."
For a later stage of the garden development, there are plans to have a feature installation in the central hard-top area.