Sunday, February 15, 2015

Apology for Eddie Hobbs from Sindo

Brannockstown resident Eddie Hobbs has received an unreserved apology and an agreed damages sum from the Sunday Independent for an article that claimed 'some of his investment advice has been catastrophic', writes Brian Byrne.

The article on January 18, 2015, had incorrectly stated that the economist and broadcaster had recommended '…that punters steam in to buy shares in Northern Rock…' and that those who purchased this stock on foot of his advice '… saw their investment vaporised'.

An apology published in today's issue of the Sunday Independent acknowledged that Mr Hobbs at no stage recommended that investors purchase Northern Rock shares.

The paper also said it failed to report that allegations by fraudster Tony Taylor were subsequently dismissed by the High Court, which awarded Mr Hobbs his full legal costs.

In the apology the newspaper also accepted that Mr Hobbs had frequently warned of the dangers facing the Irish property market.