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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Did you miss Bernard on KFM?

"I love comedy, I love when we're laughing together."

That was one of the key lines in a recent broadcast on KFM Radio when Bernard Berney talked with the station's Ciara Plunkett about Kilcullen Drama Group and its latest productions, writes Brian Byrne.

In typical Bernard style, the interview on Kildare Focus rambled away from and back to (loosely) the keyline subject, but overall was absolutely as entertaining as were the three comedy one-acters which were the excuse to put our retired chemist on air.

He also revealed that he and the ensemble of James Healy's play 'Poets in Paradise' are negotiating with the station's Brenda Drumm to do a radio version, perhaps in November.

The podcast of the often hilarious interview is here, in case you missed it on the day. Now you have no excuse ...

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