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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Community Awards: the citations

Community Awards were presented last night by the chairman of Kilcullen Community Action, Niall McDonnell, to Owen Farrell, Julie O’Donoghue, Kilcullen Community Child Care Committee, Kilcullen Youth Club, Kilcullen Members of Kildare Ladies Inter County Pitch and Putt Club, the Text Alert Committee, Declan Dowdall, Kilcullen Scouts and Leaders, Georgie Allen, Steve Kinneavy, Bernard Berney and Joe O'Connor.

Owen Farrell

At 16 years of age Owen is the youngest ever winner of the National Inter Stroke Play which he won on July 26th 2014. Owen is a student of CPC and is a great credit to his school, his community and especially St Bridget's Pitch and Putt club. Kilcullen town should be so proud of Owen as a representative for young people and also a sports star.

Julie O’Donoghue

Nominated for her wonderful stewardship of the local library and her services to arts and culture in the area and in particular this year for her leadership in the initiative to commemorate locals who fought and died in World War 1 including the Our Unfortunate Sons event.

Kilcullen Community Child Care Committee

Presented to those have worked tirelessly over recent years so that we now have a brand new purpose built Community Child Care Facility in Kilcullen. Award presented to Orla O’Neill and Iseult O’Donoghue acting on behalf of all who helped make this dream a reality.

Kilcullen Youth Club

This nomination goes to five young people, who volunteer their time with Kilcullen Youth Club; they are 14-16years old and for the last three years they attend the youth club each week, take part in training and help out at the Junior Youth Club. They are Brandon NG, Adam Dillon, Jack Skerritt, Martin Allen, and Raymond Clare. They give up their spare time not only to attend but also to participate in training which is an integral part of being a junior leader. They have participated for the last few months in a programme run by the Bishops Drug and Alcohol Initiative and they also help to organise events for the other members and give up a lot of their own free time. In presenting this award we would also like to acknowledge all who give of their time to help the youth club. It is greatly appreciated. Thanks to Sarah, Conor, Gavin. Roisin and Aisling.

Kilcullen Members of Kildare Ladies Inter County Pitch and Putt Club

Four of the six ladies on the Kildare Ladies Inter County Pitch and Putt team are from Kilcullen. While each has achieved much individual success in recent times, bringing great honour to club, town and county, the national inter county team competition is something which has eluded Kildare since 2008. The ladies in question are Chrissie Byrne, Marian Byrne, Margaret Keogh and Tara Dillon. After finishing 2nd in this year's Leinster inter-county championship it looked as though things might not change. However, in Tullamore on the first weekend in September the ladies took the National Inter County title defeating their great rivals Dublin by 5 shots and bringing the James Vaughan cup back to Kildare. Not only are these ladies fantastic pitch and putt players but they are all active committee members within their club and help out with the running of the club. Aside from this they are all superb role models for the sport and always represent themselves in a fitting and correct manner within and outside of the playing field.

Text Alert Committee

The Text Alert Committee operates a system in the Old Kilcullen, Calverstown, Castlefish area. This committee came together about two years ago and has unified the rural community on the outskirts of Kilcullen in acting together to keep an eye on each other's well being and safety. The committee members are Ivan Keatley, Aileen Thorpe, Phil O'Brien, Maurice O'Mahoney, Mary Hayden, Brian McParland, PJ Fagan and Sabina Reddy.

Declan Dowdall

Not just for his wonderful achievements in Special Olympics, but also for being a kind, considerate member of the Kilcullen Community who is always willing to share a cheerful smile, a greeting and a bit of banter with his fellow Kilcullenites! Declan is always ready to help at weekly mass with the collections. He takes a genuine interest in the people he meets. He is particularly interested in the younger members of the community and likes to know how school, exams etc are going. When anyone is sick he is always concerned and offers help or a prayer. Kilcullen is a better place because Declan lives in it and he certainly deserves this award.

Kilcullen Scouts and Leaders

For their great support given to the Kilcullen for Life Team who helped raise money for the Irish Cancer Society recently. They were incredible helpful in giving of their time and materials to help with the project. Their organisation of this year’s St Patrick’s Day Parade cannot go without mention either — it was another wonderful occasion in the Year’s calendar.

Georgie Allen

This award goes to someone who is a great neighbour, always willing to help in any way he can. He cuts grass, cleans windows gutters and his van is always available to any neighbour to collect and deliver anything that any of us need or to go anywhere. You can phone him at any hour, day or night, and he is always there for any emergency. He was a great help in preparing Conroy Park for the 40th Anniversary Celebrations — putting up bunting and helping with the barbecue. It is great to have a neighbour like Georgie — he certainly has made Conroy Park and Kilcullen a better place to live.

Steve Kinneavy

(Steve was unable to be there to accept his award, but we'll catch up with him over the weekend.)
While Steve has been our Garda for many years now and has done a great job in that role, his work in Kilcullen has extended well beyond his day-to-day duties as a Garda. Living amongst us he has got to know people very well and has himself become very much part of the community and has worked hard to support everyone in the community including those who may not have always been working towards the betterment of the community. He has been particularly supportive of young people who may have found themselves in difficulty. Steve has also been involved with local sport and in recent years has been a tireless worker for the Kilcullen River Festival. We thank Steve for his contribution which was well beyond the call of duty, wish him well in his retirement and look forward to his further involvement in the community, now that he may have more time available.

Bernard Berney

Bernard Berney has been an integral part of the Kilcullen Community throughout his entire life. Born here, schooled here and an entire working life spent here. His contribution to organisations like the Drama Group and The Bridge Magazine and to the Parish have been obvious to all and those alone are worthy of an award and recognition. Every organisation in the town will readily acknowledge the tremendous support that he has offered down through the years. But perhaps his greatest contribution has been in the many ways, most not quite as public or as obvious, that he has touched peoples lives while working amongst us in Kilcullen. In ‘The Chemists’ he dispensed medicines. But better than any chemical drug dispensed was the other type of medicine which he freely gave of — his willingness to listen, to offer a kind and supportive word to all who passed through the shop — especially the more elderly of the community. And of course the best medicine of all which he also freely dispensed over many years — laughter. A man with a tremendous way with words — both written and spoken, he has made us all laugh on so many occasions both at ourselves and at the world in general. His presence on the Main Street will be greatly missed but luckily his presence in the community will continue and while we wish him many long and happy years of retirement, much success on the golf course, we also look forward to his active participation in community life well into the future. Thank you, Bernard, for everything you have done.

Joe O'Connor

A surprise Award was given to Joe O'Connor, who celebrates his 60th Birthday on the day. Joe has made all the awards for tonight so we couldn’t ask him to make one for himself. Not only has he done the awards every year, he has also helped out in all KCA projects including Summer Flowers, Clean Ups, Christmas Lights. He is also very involved with the Lions Club and has been involved with many productions in the Drama Group over the years. No matter what is being done he is always more than willing to lend a hand and give of his talents and expertise.

Tidy Towns Local Awards

Best Large Estate, shared between Esker Lea and Avondale; Best Small Estate, Conroy Park; Most Improved Estate, Riverside Manor; Best Green Area, Moanbane; Landscape Award, Castlemartin; Best Business, White Horse Inn; Most Improved Business, The Medical Centre.

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