Saturday, September 13, 2014

Ed Deane and Eamon Murray in the BAG

Way back in the 60s a fantastic young band hit the scene with a bang, writes Roy Thompson of the Ballymore Acoustic Gigs. They were called Blues House and two members were then school friends Ed Deane and Eamon Murray. Now these two talented musicians are playing together again as a very exciting duo.

They play BAG at Mick Murphy's, Ballymore Eustace, on Monday September 15. Doors 8:30pm. Admission is €12 at the door.

Ed Deane one of Ireland's leading guitarist who is a renowned blues musician, specialising in Slide and the Lap steel guitar and also is a fine singer. He has played with Granny’s Intentions and then with the Woods Band, and Bees Make Honey, among many others. He recorded and toured with Frankie Miller.

Eamon Murray is one of Ireland's top harmonica players, an excellent tenor sax player, who is also a good singer. He has worked with too many line ups to mention including Emotional Fish, Luka Bloom, Rocky de Valera and The Rhythm Kings, The Cajun Kings, Chris Meehan and his Redneck Friends, and his own band Fattenin' Frogs for Snakes.

More on both here.