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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Banner designed for Great War commemoration

A banner to mark the Kilcullen Great War Commemoration activities has been designed by local artist Kieran Behan, writes Brian Byrne.

At last night’s meeting of the Kilcullen Great War Commemoration Group, the design was wholeheartedly welcomed, and a number of suggestions for locating it were considered. The meeting transferred outside for a period to examine a number of options.

The upcoming Great War Memories Night, for an as yet to be decided date in July, was also discussed. Julie O'Donoghue said Athy historian Frank Taffe had agreed to attend, and there might also be a member from the Royal Dublin Fusiliers Association.

There was some talk around the list of names of the local dead in the War, which now numbers 33. Julie noted that some might not have been from Kilcullen, but are commemorated in a number of locations around here.

Further details were teased out on the main commemoration, a Concert on August 23 in the Heritage Centre, which will include readings, music and song, and drama centred around the conflict. Julie said there will also be an further display of military items from the conflict presented by the re-enactment group which had attended the recent 'Life in the Trenches' event.

A grant from the Heritage Council has been awarded to the Kilcullen group, but Gerry O'Donoghue suggested a Table Quiz might be held to cover additional costs. He agreed to organise it when needed, and Geraldine Gahan said she would help with compiling the questions.

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