Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Nichola continues 'Bright Eyes' screening

Bright Eyes children's vision screening is still available at Nichola Kennedy Optometrist, due to local demand. This follows on from the recent national initiative by EyeZone optometrists, when a special week was designated for the service.

The screening offers a comprehensive set of tests to evaluate children's vision and eye health and is important for early detection of vision defects in young children.

Children's eye tests need to be carried out in a different way to adults', because they may not be able to answer the kind of questions an adult can. For the tests, they can sit on their parent's lap if they're more comfortable. Eye drops may also be used.

During the screening, six main points are covered. A computerised test will be carried out where feedback from the child will be unnecessary. The vision each eye individually and binocular will be checked, and there will be a blur test to measure how the child copes with this. The session will also measure the child’s ability to interpret 3D images, assess eye movements and tracking, and record pupil reflexes and examine the back to establish the eyes are healthy.

Contact Nichola Kennedy Optometrist to make an appointment. Main St, Kilcullen, phone 045-484643.