Thursday, December 12, 2013

Brigid Aspell in last of 'Vanishing Ireland'

We've always known that Brigid (Granny) Aspell is famous, but now Kilcullen's sprightly centenarian has gone national and probably further, writes Brian Byrne.

She's one of the people featured in the latest volume of the magnificent series of large format books, 'Vanishing Ireland', produced by Tullow writer Turtle Bunbury and photographer James Fennell.

For the past 12 years, the pair have criss-crossed their
native Ireland innumerable times, interviewing and
photographing over 300 people aged between 70 and 108
about the old ways of life.

The latest, and final book of the best-selling series was published in October and is likely to end up under a large number of Christmas trees over the festive season, in Ireland and abroad. It was short-listed for the Best Irish Published Book of the Year 2013 award.

Meantime, Brigid has been enjoying her year, in which she reached the young (in her case) age of 103 last February.

The book is available on Amazon, but you can also read the story about Brigid on Turtle Bunbury's website.