Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Christmas tree to return to Square

The town Christmas tree will return to the Market Square this year, it was decided at the recent meeting of Kilcullen Community Action, writes Brian Byrne.

During a discussion on the tree, the fact that it was very difficult to provide anchoring for it in the CPC grounds last year proved to be the turning argument. Noel Clare recalled that despite the anchors, the tree had been blown down at one point. A pipe inset in the flower bed in Market Square made it much easier to locate there.

A proposed new system of LED lights for the bridge Christmas display was discussed and agreed on.

The meeting also decided to repeat the second street collection next year, dedicated to the Christmas lights and Summer Flowers displays.

Appreciation was again expressed to the community support for the recent collection for those purposes, the first time a specific lights/flowers public collection had been done.