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Monday, September 23, 2013

AMD eyesight screening this week

In eyesight terms, this is National AMD week, an awareness week for macular degeneration, writes Brian Byrne. It's a blinding condition affecting one in ten people over the age of 50, and risk factors include smoking, diet lacking in fresh fruit and vegetables, high exposure to UV light—which can particularly affect construction workers and farmers.

A family history of AMD should also be kept in mind, as should high cholesterol and high blood pressure, which can also be triggers for AMD. The effects of the disease are gradual, although in some cases there can be a sudden loss of central vision—essential to our ability to see in fine details.

Kilcullen optometrist Nichola Kennedy FAOI is offering free AMD screening to anyone who wishes to avail of it. Just call or pop in to arrange an appropriate time. It is a quick and painless test and involves looking at an Amsler grid, a brief vision check and look at the macula at the back of the eye with a specialised torch.

Sight is possibly our most important sense. Don't lose out on this free offer to help protect it. Phone 045 484643

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