Monday, May 20, 2013

Progress on sculpture in The Valley

Renowned sculptor's last workIn a further progress  on the installation of the sculpture 'Homeward' in The Valley Park, Kildare County Council engineers have recently inspected the site at the town end of the park, writes Brian Byrne.

A spokesperson for the Council says it is hoped to pour concrete for the sculpture shortly.

The piece was the last to be designed by the late Eamonn O'Doherty, renowned globally for his public area sculptures.

In Ireland these include the Quincentennial Sculpture in Galway's Eyre Square, the James Connolly Memorial across from Dublin's Liberty Hall, and the Anna Livia Fountain. 

Others are 'Fauscailt' in Wexford, and the 'Crann an Oir' (Tree of Gold) at Central Bank Plaza Dublin. He worked in bronze, stone and various other media, and was a noted painter and graphic artist.

"I'm really looking forward to seeing the latest one in Kilcullen," County Kildare Arts Officer Lucina Russel said last week.