Text Alert 'evolving but positive'
Although there's as yet no national policy on how to operate it, the use of Text Alert in Community Alert schemes has been 'overwhelmingly positive', writes Brian Byrne.
That was the view expressed at the recent meeting in Calverstown where a CA scheme for rural areas around Kilcullen was officially started.
"It has been used to liaise with the Garda, to provide timely advice on situations, and to inform a locality about specific activities," the Muintir na Tire CA eastern region development officer Conor O'Leary said, adding that his organisation encouraged CA schemes to 'take a broad view' of their role.
Text Alert involves setting up a data base of family phone numbers in a CA area, and sending out texts on issues across the community once cleared to do so by the Garda.
At the Calverstown meeting, Cllr Martin Miley (on right above, with PJ Fagan)outlined the experience of the CA and TA schemes in his local area, initially in Booleigh and then linking with subsequent schemes in Narraghmore and Ballitore.
"The new motorway network meant that we were being targeted enormously by criminals involved in theft and burglary. For our first meeting we invited 35 people, and 45 came. Now we have over 700 numbers on our Text Alert system."
He detailed how a community had to be careful how the system was set up and operated, and that it must be used directly with the Garda. "There will be teething problems, and you have to give it time to settle down. But it's a fantastic scheme to have, and our experience has been very positive."
Cllr Miley also reported on how their system had evolved from initially concentrating on criminal activity to now being used for dealing with other community matters such as illegal dumping of rubbish.
He promised that the operators of the scheme would provide all the advice and support they could to the Kilcullen initiative.