Thursday, April 18, 2013

'End uncertainty on small schools' — Councillor

A local councillor has expressed concern at the delay in publication of a report on value for money in small schools, writes Brian Byrne.

Cllr Martin Miley (FF) says that there are eight schools in Kildare South which are under 80 pupils, and says it's 'extremely disappointing' that there's still uncertainty over their future.

His comments follow an answer to a Dail Question that the Department of Education Value for Money Review is ‘still being finalised’ and ‘policy decisions’ are still being made.

"According to recent media leaks, schools with under 80 pupils could be at risk of closure or forced amalgamation,” Cllr Miley said. "This accounts for almost one third of the country’s primary schools.

"This issue needs to be clarified immediately. As we are only recovering from the closure of our Garda stations we cannot face the prospect of schools being closed as are they are the heartbeat of the community."