Saturday, February 23, 2013

'Spear' sculpture 'should be listed'

rainbowThe iconic 'spear' sculpture by local artist Noel Scullion should be listed for preservation on the next Local Area Plan for Kilcullen, the recent Kilcullen Community Action meeting heard, writes Brian Byrne.

Noel Clare told the meeting that the piece, at the centre of the Dun Ailinne Interpretive Park developed by KCA some years ago, needs to be included under the 'Monuments' section of the LAP.

He also suggested that the path of the sun rising to the east of the sculpture should also be preserved from any development that might interfere with the aspects of the piece related to the Solstices.

"These are key to the way the sculpture was designed to interact physically with those times of the year," he said.

KCA members are currently looking at the Issue Paper produced by Kildare County Council in relation to the next Draft Local Area Plan being prepared for Kilcullen.