Wednesday, December 12, 2012

'Thanks' from the BAG

The programme of BAG gigs for 2012 has come to an end and I'd just like to say 'thank you' to everyone who came to a gig over the past year, writes Roy Thompson of the Ballymore Acoustic Gigs. In particular, I say thank you to the many regulars who come week in, week out, and to the Murphys at The Stage Inn.

Of course, special thanks go to the musicians who come to play for us on Monday nights, off the beaten track. This past year we've had many great nights, and much wonderful music, including several acts new to Ballymore. All want to return and I'll be doing my best to accommodate them over the next year and beyond.

Bookings are strong for the first half of 2013, including some new acts, some returning favourites, and a couple of high profile acts, so we can all look forward to many more great nights of music.

We'll have an extended break over Christmas with the first gig of 2013 being on January 21 when US Bluegrass giants The Special Consensus will visit with us.

In the meantime, our Second Annual Vibe for Larry Roddy takes place this Friday, when we'll come together without PA; play music, sing songs, tell stories, and send good vibes out to our friends Lar and Trish Roddy. So, please come along, bring an instrument if you play, and join our Christmas get together. It'll be a grand night.