Pauline Fagan, Poet
"I couldn't see anything, but I heard this voice and it was an experience of pure music."
The first time Pauline Fagan heard Seamus Heaney speak, she couldn't see him because she was at the back of a crowd of people in Boston College. And she didn't understand all the words, because she was only seven years old. But ever since she has loved poetry.
(This is the latest in the series 'People of the Holly Bush'. Read on here.)
The first time Pauline Fagan heard Seamus Heaney speak, she couldn't see him because she was at the back of a crowd of people in Boston College. And she didn't understand all the words, because she was only seven years old. But ever since she has loved poetry.
(This is the latest in the series 'People of the Holly Bush'. Read on here.)