Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Billy is stocking his Bazaar


He's located a little off the beaten track this year, in the Tennis Club building in Logstown, but it's worth the trek to Billy Redmond's Bazaar which officially opens for business on Friday, writes Brian Byrne.

Pictured here while setting up with his right hand man Jack Lambe, Billy is confident that his regulars will find their way to pick up bargain gems from his stock, but hopeful that the word will get out too to those who aren't familiar with this annual event.

Billy raises money from the bazaar as his annual contribution to the Irish Wheelchair Association, to which he has been giving his support for many years.

He goes walking every year on their behalf, last year the walk was based in Croatia and its neighbouring countries. An area he found to be very beautiful, but also quite poor.

To lend your hand for this very worthwhile IWA fundraiser, take a right at the top of the hill on the Naas end of town and then the first gate on your left.

And tell your friends. The bazaar is open until the end of next week.