Sunday, June 17, 2012

Work night at playground

Monday's Tidy Towns work night will be dedicated to cutting grass at the Community Playground and generally tidying up the facility, writes Brian Byrne.

This was decided at Saturday morning's KCA meeting during a general discussion on the playground which included matters of maintenance.

JJ Warren gave details of his monitoring of the equipment for safety and maintenance purposes, which KCA undertakes on behalf of Kildare County Council.

He said he had sent in some 13 completed maintenance checklists to the Council since the playground opened. He also explained that when he finds problems, he fixes them if he can, otherwise he notifies the Council.

JJ also noted that any member of KCC can decide to close the facility if it is their opinion that there's a safety issue with any part of it. It can also be closed for maintenance work.

The decision to do a work night on the facility was taken because there has been an emphasis in the current Tidy Towns competition on the playground, and it is expected that judges will go and look at it.

JJ had earlier said that the Council intends to do the grass and other light grounds maintenance, but the recent weather conditions had forced them to postpone the work.

The discussion also resolved a number of minor issues about opening the facility, and the provision of bags for litter.