Tuesday, February 21, 2012

KCA's new website almost ready


A new website for KCA will shortly go live with a host of additional features, writes Brian Byrne.

Designed by local graphic designer Davitt Steed, it will be regularly updated with news and events organised by KCA under its various remits, including the organisation's extensive Tidy Towns work.

Among the elements will be an online version of the Community Directory, which is currently being put together, as well as a Calendar for upcoming Community events.

Davitt is a graduate of NCAD and is also designing a summary leaflet about the KCA-commissioned Community Survey and the 'Kilcullen 2017' enterprise and community development plan derived from it. The plan is being launched on Monday 5 March in the Library and the leaflet will be delivered to every household.

At last night's KCA meeting, members agreed final details of both projects. Davitt is pictured above explaining some of the details of his designs. Tenders for the work were invited by KCA.

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