Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Health Forum to discuss primary care, first responders

A motion asking that the HSE outline its plans for establishing primary care centres in Co Kildare and give a timescale will be debated at next Tuesday's meeting of the Dublin-Mid Leinster Health Forum, writes Brian Byrne.

The motion has been put down by Kilcullen-based Cllr Ivan Keatley. He has also put a question down for discussion asking why has the HSE not engaged with First Responder groups and failed to utilise the service they provide by ensuring the groups  receive calls from the ambulance service.

"Both these items have a direct relevance to Kilcullen and surrounding areas," he told the Diary this morning.

The establishment of a Primary Care Centre in Kilcullen is one of the urgent elements proposed in the town's Development Plan resulting from a survey commissioned some months ago by Kilcullen Community Action.

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