Friday, January 20, 2012

Shopping habits shown in survey

The influence of the major multiple chain food stores on shopping habits is shown by a finding that less than one in ten Kilcullen homes do most of their grocery shopping in the town, writes Brian Byrne.

This is one of the items thrown up by the Kilcullen Community Survey, which will be launched and discussed at a public meeting on January 31.

Just 8.7 percent of respondents said they do most of their grocery shopping in the town, while a third reported that they do most such shopping outside Kilcullen. Just over half said they did such shopping in a 'mix' of locations.

The results suggest that most people think there is a very good range of shops in the town, as well as of pubs and restaurants, though they are concerned about the cost of using them.

The survey was commissioned by Kilcullen Community Action, and has amassed a wealth of detail about the town and the views of its residents under such headings as Local Amenities and Services​, Local Community Involvement, Environment and Transport​, ​Recession & Unemployment​, and Hopes & Fears​.

KCA hopes that a full attendance at the public meeting will begin a major community discussion on how the future of Kilcullen can best be shaped.

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