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Monday, January 23, 2012

Kilcullen traffic lights 'obsolete'

Kildare County Council has asked for funding to upgrade the traffic lights system at the Hideout Crossroads in Kilcullen, following a query from Cllr Ivan Keatley, writes Brian Byrne.

In response to the motion at today's Athy Area Meeting asking that an extra filter light be provided to allow traffic from the Carlow direction to turn right, the Council reported that the junction configuration and layout of the Kilcullen signalised junction is in need of upgrading, as some of the equipment is obsolete. The provision of a new filter light would be considered as part of any upgrade.

Unfortunately, the Council says no funding is available to make changes to the junction, but an application for funding is being made to the National Transport Authority to seek funding though no decision is expected in the short term.

In response to another motion from Councillor Keatley that the council improve and repair the footpaths in the village of Brannockstown as a matter of health and safety, the Council said that no commitment to carry out the requested works, or any other works, in 2012, can be given until the Naas Area Office budget for 2012 has been finalised.

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