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Saturday, August 20, 2011

A buzz about Kilcullen


It's a busy day in Kilcullen. At the GAA grounds, filming has been taking place for the Celebrity Bainisteoir series in advance of tomorrow's first round game between Kilcullen and Lissan of Derry.


And amid the flurry of painting of buildings that's also part of the current buzz around Kilcullen, the organisers of the Kilcullen River Festival 2011 have been putting up bunting to add to the colour (helping Geri Dineen above is Kelvin Kinneavy from Galway, who has taken on the role of making sure that his Uncle Steve, JJ Warren and Liam Stenson don't doss off).

Meantime, the CPC wall continues to come down, and it is now very clear just how open the parkland and the views of the building will be.


"Should have been done years ago," one local said. Quite. And full marks to Kilcullen Community Action and the CPC administration for pushing that particular project onwards over the last six years.