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Friday, April 22, 2011

Summer Flowers project growing well

Kilcullen Community Action is hoping to have the flower boxes along Main Street in position by the first week in June, writes Brian Byrne.

That was decided at the recent meeting of the tidy towns organisation, in a discussion that also focused on the street flower boxes, with some thought that the window box programme could mean that fewer boxes were needed on the footpaths.

Several of the street boxes are beyond use, and Ray Kelly undertook to remove them, a job which was done the other day. Kieran Forde suggested there should be a walk around the street to see what boxes need renewing.

Esther Kiely said new soil was needed, as the flowers in the boxes had been 'very disappointing' in recent years.

JJ Warren wondered if there could be hanging flowers around the boxes, which would hide the timber.