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Monday, August 16, 2010

'Bright Eyes' check in September

Local optometrist Nichola Kennedy will be running the 'Bright Eyes' vision screening programme for school-going children in the week beginning 6 September.

Operated under the auspices of the Association of Optometrists of Ireland, the programme can detect vision problems which require further investigation.

The fee for the test is €10, which will be deducted from any full eye examination that might be advised following the screening.

The HSE screens childrens eyesight in schools in junior infants and only children with sight problems that are detected at this age are followed up. However a child's sight can change as they progress through school and there are no further school screenings by the HSE after junior infants.

"This is an ideal opportunity to have childrens eyes screened," Nichola says, "as often in recessionary times routine eye examinations can be put on the long finger. In the case of children, the sooner an eye problem is detected the better chance the child has of better vision quality, better quality of life and better educational and social progress in school and life in general."

Group screenings at schools can also be arranged, with consent forms and fees required preferably beforehand in order to allocate sufficient time.