Friday, July 23, 2010

Spanish goal resounds in Kilcullen

When that famous goooaaaaal!!!! hit the back of the net in Soccer City last week, the roar in Bardons pub in Kilcullen was probably heard in the South Africa stadium.

That's because, collectively, the Spain fans there had just netted themselves €5,000 from the kick that won their favourite team the coveted World Cup.

Since Ireland wasn't in the competition, Bardons customers had voted amongst themselves as to which team they should root for.

Each vote cost €20, and half of that went on a collective bet on Spain at 4/1. For the balance, each voter got a Spain jersey, and a free pint and Spanish-style finger food on the nights that Spain was playing.

A hundred voted, and when Spain finally came through, each got €50 back.

"Even if we hadn't won, it was a great deal," says Linda Price who has put up on the backbar a large set of photographs of the 'Spanish' supporters through the three weeks. "Getting back two and a half times the total outlay is sweet icing on a Spanish cake."

Pictured are a group of the delighted supporters after the win, with Johnny Reddy holding the symbolic €50 that everyone who participated was getting.

This article originally appeared on the Kilcullen Page of the Kildare Nationalist.