CPC Access Project, Phase 2
The second phase of a €500,000 project to make Cross and Passion College more accessible for people with disability has now got under way.
Phase 1 was completed last summer, when the accessible toilet facilities were upgraded and accessible desks were installed in all class rooms.
Phase 2 will remove barriers such as steps throughout the school building and grounds. The main part of the project involves the building and installation of a lift shaft and a lift to allow access to the second and third floor of the old building.
The project has been spearheaded by a steering group of parents and teachers with including Denis Dennehy (staff), Breda Kelly & Geraldine Kelly (parents), Gabriel McGinley (architect), and Susan Forde (Enable Ireland). Support was also given to the project by Councillor Willie Callaghan.
The work will take 16 weeks - right up to the end of the school year. School will continue as normal although it does involve considerable disruption with students being re routed as they travel from one part of a building to another.
The contractors are Weslin Construction
The project is being funded through the Department of Education and Science.
Pictured above at the signing of the contract for the second phase of the CPC Access Project were (Back) Gabrielle McGinley, Architect; Paul Tyrrell, Principal; Willie Callaghan, Kildare County Council; Breda Archbold, Parent and Steering Group; Geraldine Kelly, Parent and Steering Group; and (Front) Brendan Boyle, Weslin Construction; Sr Anne Harnett, Chairperson Board of Management; and Karl Kelly, First Year Student.