Monday, November 03, 2008

Christmas Crackers 'explained'

Now that the ‘Celtic Tiger’ is dead. (May he rest in Peace) What we really need is something to dispel all the doom and gloom, something to distract us from banks in crisis, stock markets in free fall, government in disarray and old age pensioners in revolt.

As luck would have it, I have just the thing. No it’s not a general election, its not a Novena of prayer (though, I think, that might help), its not a cholesterol lowering drug, which now seems to be a panacea to cure all ills”. What is it?” I hear you cry in anguished tones.

Well I’ll tell you and please don’t laugh, at least not yet, the Kilcullen Drama Group and friends are presenting a Christmas show on Friday 5th Dec and Sat 6th Dec, in the Town Hall, which will brighten your spirits, lighten your heart and much more….. (Read on)…

The show examines how Christmas is experienced in quite a different way by different people, the down-and-outs in New York, the farming community in Monaghan, the more affluent people in Dublin 4 and it demonstrates how Christmas can be a life-changing experience for those who embrace its message. “Ok”, I hear you say again…. (I’m hearing a lot of voices in my head recently)…..!!!.. “But how can two hours of comedy, music and drama, dispel the gloom brought about by the prospect of years of economic recession?” The truth is, its not the show that will work this magic, it is our coming together to support this small event which clearly shows our regard and support for one another, our oneness, our joy in community, our ability to have fun together and the certainty that, in straightened economic circumstances, the focus changes to more important human interactions to the benefit of us all. I’m not saying that the recession is a good thing but, it has its upside.

This is amazing, what started off as a promotional piece for a show in the Town Hall wound up as a philosophical dissertation on the spiritual meaning of the current economic crisis. That’s what happens when you give your PR job to a man who hears voices in his head!

Basically, what I was asked to do was, tell the general public that there will be a show in The Town Hall, for two nights only, on Friday 5th Dec and Sat 6th Dec, proceeds from which will go to the St Brigid’s Cemetery Fund. Tickets may be booked at Bernard Berney’s Chemist. Truthfully and regretfully I can say; “if you don’t book early you wont get in.”

We would love to do this show for a week but that is just not possible. I hope to see you there and together we will proclaim that Kilcullen understands there are more important things in life than foreign holidays, expensive cars, golf clubs, nights-on-the-town. There is friendship, community spirit, caring and love, and that’s why they called their show, “A Christmas Cracker”

Maybe they should have called it, “Christmas, Crackers!!!!!!”

(The Voices.)