The €50,000 man
When Billy Redmond held his annual Bring and Buy Bazaar last weekend at Kilcullen Parish Centre, he was on the latest leg of a fundraising mission in which he has raised some €50,000 for the Irish Wheelchair Association.Billy got involved with the IWA in 1994 at the request of John Brady, then regional organiser for the charity. He decided to raise money for their fundraising walks.
The walks for which Billy raised the money have brought him to China, Egypt, Thailand, Cambodia and New Zealand, and most recently to Las Vegas, Nevada and the Grand Canyon.
In previous years he had the use of Main Street premises for his sales, and he found this worked well because he was visible to passing friends and neighbours in the town.
But none of his regular spots were available this year, so the Parish Centre became the new venue.
Brian Byrne.