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Monday, April 14, 2008

Permission granted for development

The granting of planning permission for another riverside development in Kilcullen should bring new life to what is now a somewhat derelict part of Kilcullen's streetscape.


The permission given to Arquette Ltd relates to a mixed use scheme involving retail, residential, commercial and cafe/restaurant facilities.

It is located on a 2-acre site overlooking the north bank of the River Liffey, and includes change of use to two former private residences which are Protected Structures, Liffey Bank House and Liffey View House.


The property is owned by Sir Anthony O'Reilly, and there are 63 conditions attached to the permission granted last week.

These include that a public open space element of the development will be opened for use by the public within a month of the development being occupied.

Existing on street car parking will be removed, and the development includes an underground car park. The developer will pay Kildare County Council €360,000 as a contribution to the 'shortfall' of 80 car parking spaces to be applied to the development.

In addition, the Council will also receive €610,750 towards the provision of public infrastructure and facilities benefiting the development.

There's also an indication of 'future development' accessed from the initial project.

Brian Byrne.