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Saturday, February 09, 2008

Proposed amendments to plan

The latest version of the Kilcullen Draft Development Plan is now on display in the Heritage Centre.


Nine changes have been made as a result of submissions made following the public display of the previous draft late last year.

Among the most significant is the proposed zoning change of the field beside the cattle mart. Instead of the previously suggested 'Light Industrial & Warehouse' it is now to be zoned 'Town Centre'. This allays concerns of parents and management of Scoil Bhride, who didn't want an industrial complex across the road from the school.

Another change is on a section of Nolan's land at the south end of the town to 'Industrial'. It is understood that a specific manufacturing operation is earmarked for the spot.

The plan and its changes can be inspected until the 27 of February. Full details of the proposed amendments can be found here.

Brian Byrne.