Valley accolades and angst
Bouquets and brickbats have been thrown by Valley trustee Jim Collins over recent happenings in the park which he was prime mover in providing.The bouquets are to a number of local people spotted picking up litter. "Kudos to you, you know who you are," he wrote in the latest issue of The Bridge magazine.
The brickbats were aimed at those who are responsible for the litter, especially those who drink in the Valley.
"All around the locations where there are seats, there are empty alcohol cans and bottles," Jim notes. "As the Valley is a public place, consumption of alcohol there is forbidden by law."
Jim suggests that a routine patrol by uniformed Gardai to caution the perpetrators would be 'beneficial'.
Also, he says there has been a suggestion that the seats be removed from the park.
"This would be a shame, but perhaps it is a necessary answer. Other suggestions to eradicate the problem would be welcome."
Meanwhile, some 3,000 euros has been spent on the Valley so far this year on drainage work, clearing of debris from storms, and replacement of signs and the provision of protection for the St Brigid's Well sculpture.
Donations to help meet these and other costs of maintaining the Valley can be made to The Valley Fund a/c in Bank of Ireland, Kilcullen. The a/c number is 42357112.
Brian Byrne.