Scouts investiture
The annual Investiture of new members for the 9th Kildare (Kilcullen) Scouts took place on 29th April in the McMahon Centre in Kilcullen.
Parents and guests were welcomed by Scout Leader Richard Reade, and the proceedings opened with the Scout Prayer. This year 20 new Beavers were invested, along with 4 new Cubs and one new Scout.Following the investiture, awards were made to Soirse Baxter (Beaver of the Year), Maria Smith (Cub of the Year) and Karen Champ (Scout of the Year). The Leaders of Kilcullen Scout Unit were also proud to unveil the new Kilcullen Flag at the ceremony, marking the change from CBSI to Scouting Ireland.
After the ceremonies, parents and guests joined the Unit members for refreshments.
The sincere thanks of all the Scout Unit is expressed to those parents and Leaders who helped with the refreshments and particular thanks to the three ladies (you know who you are) who worked so hard making tea and serving the guests.
Roy Champ.