Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Interest in composting

A small but appreciative group turned out on Friday evening to a talk on composting in the Town Hall.


The presentation was made by Dara Wyer, Environmental Awareness Officer with Kildare County Council.

He demonstrated the workings of a compost bin and detailed the kind of materials which were suitable for composting, along with examples of those which were not.

He also outlined the kind of maintenance which the bins required, but mainly left his audience with the thought that the whole process is a natural one that mainly looks after itself.

The talk was organised by the Kilcullen Tidy Towns Group, and was sponsored by Hillcrest Hire.


Pictured are Ray Kelly of Kilcullen Tidy Towns Group with Siobhan Coakley, Sinead Phelan, Mary Dillon and Madeline Campbell.

Brian Byrne.