Thursday, May 17, 2007

Do not fire the rubbish

The biggest single source of carcinogenic dioxins in Ireland comes from so-called 'backyard burning'.

That's the warning from Kildare County Council in an article in the Spring issue of 'Acorn', the Council's environment newsletter.

The article notes that many people are under the mistaken belief that they are helping keep waste from scarce landfill by burning it at home.

But the practice is not only illegal, it is much more dangerous than previously understood.

Depending on the materials being burned, burning waste in fireplaces, backyard bins, or bonfires can also release volatile organic compounds, which can aggravate respiratory and heart ailments and can also cause liver and kidney damage.

Other dangerous pollutants on a long list include carbon monoxide, hexachloricbenzenes and nitrogen oxides, all dangerous either to human health or to the environment, or both.

The problem is that such pollution is produced by low-temperature burning without treatment and filtration systems.

If you know somebody who does this regularly, get them a copy of 'Acorn'.

It could be their health you are protecting as much as yours.

Brian Byrne.