Council responds on lights
Though many local motorists complain about aspects of the sequencing of the traffic lights at the Hideout corner, Kildare County Council says the requirements of all traffic and pedestrian movements make the current sequence 'the preferred choice'.
In a response to a query from the Diary about the lack of a filter light for motorists wishing to turn right into the Chapel Road, a Council spokesman said there are 16 such movements and the timing of phases to accommodate these mean that 'choices are limited'.
The response didn't directly answer the query, which related to the danger to which those motorists are exposed in having to 'dash' across oncoming traffic if they are to get through on a green signal. They are quite often also unsighted in relation to that oncoming traffic, by vehicles coming up the town and waiting to turn on to the Curragh Road.The spokesman additionally referred to the green arrow for right-turns from the Curragh Road onto Main Street and said it was installed to facilitate 'a bonus movement' at the junction, allowing as many vehicles as could do so to go through the left lane without interfering with other movements in progress at the same time.
"It is appreciated that motorists who want to turn left and who are behind vehicles bound straight-through (for New Abbey Road) may feel frustrated at a temporary inability to turn left, but the shape and size of the junction together with the other traffic requirements do not allow otherwise," the spokesman said, "and in any event the delay is literally a matter of seconds. It would certainly be better from a traffic flow aspect if there were three lanes to allow left, straight and right exits from Curragh Road, but the space is not available."
ED: Over to you, motorists; the Diary has done all it can until there's an actual incident. Contact the Roads Design department of KCC at 045 980424. But don't hold your breath waiting for a response: our original query was made in July 2006.
Brian Byrne.