Waiting for a tragedy?
Not to keep travelling old roads, but this story about the woeful state of the Athy Road/Sunnyhill Road junction really does need a revisit, given that I first raised the issue in June 2005.
And again in February 2006.
Indeed, local knowledge will tell that the situation has been thus for a long time before.
With the publication of each of the old stories, I sent the links to Kildare County Council. There has never been a proper response, in action nor communication.I also asked our Town Engineer about it last August, and he suggested that it 'might' be the responsibility of an engineer from another area.
But the fact is, nothing has been done to fix what is patently a road traffic danger situation (consider the difficulties of exiting traffic onto the Athy Road which not alone has to keep an eye for fast northbound traffic, but also navigate around suspension-killing potholes).
Do we have to wait until a person is killed, rather than just McPherson struts?
Brian Byrne.