Plan for pedestrian lights
Kilcullen may have its third set of traffic lights by the autumn, if an application to Kildare County Council for a pedestrian crossing goes through.Councillor Billy Hillis is seeking the crossing at a location (above) near Esker Leigh on behalf of residents of the estates on the north end of town.
"Schoolchildren particularly have great difficulty crossing at Logstown, because of the heavy and fast-moving traffic," Cllr Hillis says. "The best solution is to put a lights-controlled crossing at Esker Leigh, which will allow all residents from Moanbane, Esker Leigh and Rogan Park to cross safely."
It would also mean that school pupils from those estates wouldn't have to cross the road again until they reached the lights-controlled crossing at Scoil Bhride.
The cost of the new crossing is expected to be in the region of 40,000 euros, and Cllr Hillis has requested the funding from a development levies allocation of 250,000 euros which must be spent in the Naas Electoral Area in this calendar year.
Brian Byrne.